Cassie Limb
Mixed Media painting effects with Digital Transforming and printed applications
Email: [email protected] Phone: 07756 333579 |
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Through my creative practice I read many medical papers/articles and reference books/images that show microscopic details of viruses, tumors and cellular structures & macro landscapes & galaxies, studying textures, motion and fluidity, also looking in detail at foreign bodies including parasites and single celled organisms to inform the creation of my images, so that they are convincing, 'life like' but, better than slides and 2D published images I find in books, interactive and awe inspiring, connective and communicative, fantasy, 'other worldly' & 'dream like', yet focused and very real, to show an internal world that often cannot be captured, experiencing hidden depths, of the very far from sight.
Video: "VTS 04 1"
Video: "painting in motion"