Hazel Prachek lives and produces artwork in Sheffield; UK. Key themes within my work are based around organic materials such as plants, rocks and animals. I believe an artist’s journey through influences is something that naturally occurs during life as circumstances and personalities grow, change and evolve. I work in a range of wet and dry mediums.It is the ultimate test of the creative imagination, to be able to create something that satisfies the artist beyond criticism from anyone else. To reach a point where what you are creating has become a true and coherent representation of your inner experiences. What is exciting to me, but also so scary is that this point of personal success can be reached and then lost again multiple times. Ultimately, I feel very interested in this feeling of glee that grows, glows, and sparks when creating an image that pleases both the eyes, and the mind.
Experimenting with composition and colour is something that I love to do as it brings an abstract and surreal element to the objects and shapes featured in my work. This in turn reflects the vibrant way that I experience life. The products of my creative abilities are a language that help me to digest and communicate visually with myself, and others. |