David Coldron

I work in acrylic and generally paint landscape whether it be urban, coastal or rural. I always like to abstract to some extent while maintaining a basis in reality through sketching on site and making preliminary drawings.
On canvas I use mixed media techniques to build up a highly textural 3 dimensional surface. I generally like to work on a medium to large format as I prefer paintings on a human scale. Painting over a highly worked surface allows spontaneous marks to emerge. I try to balance that with very considered mark making to create a tension in the painting.
I also work on paper and these paintings tend to be more introspective and concerned with communicating a sense of place through colour and mark-making.
I advocate traditional drawing skills as the basis for any visual art. I attend life classes regularly. I have included a portfolio section dedicated to drawing.
On canvas I use mixed media techniques to build up a highly textural 3 dimensional surface. I generally like to work on a medium to large format as I prefer paintings on a human scale. Painting over a highly worked surface allows spontaneous marks to emerge. I try to balance that with very considered mark making to create a tension in the painting.
I also work on paper and these paintings tend to be more introspective and concerned with communicating a sense of place through colour and mark-making.
I advocate traditional drawing skills as the basis for any visual art. I attend life classes regularly. I have included a portfolio section dedicated to drawing.